Spring Update

Greetings from Serbia. Happy Spring!!!

What’s been happening?
The early part of the year is usually quiet for us. It is a time of planning and grant writing and preparing for the coming school year. It is also a time of rest and personal rejuvenation…usually. This year took a left turn in January…

We had taken a quick trip to the USA in December and upon our return it was time for a serious beard trim. After going from looking like Santa Claus to the dapper look of Sean Connery in “The Hunt for Red October”, Mary noticed a bit of a lump on my neck. Lumps need attention…and attention it received.

I visited my GP, and soon after found myself having blood work, and X-Rays, and CT Scans, and ultrasounds, and ultimately biopsies. The news was the lump was not alone and the two growths were malignant. Neither of us recall scheduling having cancer on any calendar. But there it was.

Without going into all the details, I had surgery in March to remove both growths. A few weeks after the procedure a check-in with my surgeon was all good. He was happy about getting clean margins, and he was very happy with my pace of recovery. As I tell people when they ask how I am doing, “I’m not dead yet.”

In the midst of this came a miracle. Due to the love and generosity of all our partner churches and some great friends, the total expenses for the surgery and hospital stay have been paid! We are humbled by the blessing.

Fortunately, this incident has not slowed down our plans for Propel, the kids, and the coming school year. Though, we have had some ups and down.

The ups – five new students just starting 1st grade, other students poised to start high school, and the parents of these kids understanding more and more they have an important role to play in the kids’ education. There is even one student we have helped get through university – he graduates this year!

The downs – sadly we have had some families decide their daughters’ futures were less important than earning money for the family – now. Two of our girls dropped out (high school is not mandatory) to get menial part-time jobs. Another girl graduated 8th grade last year. We helped with all she needed to start high school. She (at 14 years old) decided to leave school, run away with her boyfriend, and then come home once she found out she was pregnant. We are saddened by the downs, but we also understand we cannot solve every problem.

Looking forward;
– we have about 120 students getting help for the 2022-2023 school year. Somehow, every year, we have about 40+ students without sponsors we still can help. To be honest, we are not always certain from where the money comes. Yes, we are always looking for more sponsors! If you’re looking to help a kid get the opportunity to have better control over their future…everything you need to know is here.

– The H.I.K.E. 2022 is scheduled for 6-11 June. This year we cover the Isle of Wight Coastal Trail. The team consists of the ever-stalwart Mike and his lovely wife, Amanda. Andrew and Jo, who joined us last year of the Great Glen Way, are coming back to help us again. Yes, Mary and I will be there, too.

– The Magical Mystery Tour 2022 is also in the works. We will be in the US from 30-September until 23 December. Stay tuned.

We cannot finish this update without a huge, on-going thank you, for all the people who make Propel a reality. We couldn’t be here without your help. We couldn’t help any kids without your help. We certainly could not do anything without your prayers. Thank you. Hvala puno!!!

Paul and Mary
We are running on faith, but we are not running alone.

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