Magical Connection


Maybe “magical” isn’t the right word, but you get the idea. Think of moments in your life when you’ve met someone special or visited somewhere new or experienced something that still resonates with you to this day.

Got one? Good. Such people, places, and events can create beautiful memories, some would argue they change your life.

Is it time for such an experience? Time for doing something for the first time? Time to bring your love, energy, and Super Powers together? Time for you to be “the magical connection” in the lives of others?

Cool, because the opportunities await you…in Serbia.
Yes Serbia.(Not Siberia.)

Are you a teacher or professor who loves to use the world as their classroom?

Can you swing a hammer, paint a wall, dig a garden, or teach others how to build things?

Are you a doctor or nurse who loves to heal and to educate?

Do you love working with children?

Are you a dancer photogapher, musician, farmer, accountant, hugger, knitter, craftsperson, butcher, baker, or candlestick maker who would love to share their skills and their hearts?

If yes was the answer to any of these questions… you qualify.

You can build a team, join a team, help support a team…the possibilities are as manifold as your imagination.

Just the tiniest bit (or more) interested?

Then check out the big picture 

Looking forward to seeing you this summer.

Paul and Mary

we’re running on faith, but we’re not running alone.

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