What we did this summer…

Remember returning to school when you were a kid? What was one of your first assignments? An essay on….”What I Did During My Summer Vacation”.  It had to be hand-written, double-spaced, and in cursive! Really, how can you expect spending two weeks at Camp Getmeouttahere to provide excitement enough to thrill your classmates? Is it truly neccesary to have to provide two pages of still vivid memories about bad food, mosquito bites, strange tentmates, and coming in last in the Annual Camp Getmeouttahere Humiliation Contest?  Sorry if this trip down memory lane triggers any nightmares or revives any ghosts from elementary school. We do have a solution.

Next Summer…bring a team to Serbia!!! Work with the kids here in the Roma villages. Rub elbows with the Propel folks and their army of great assistants and translators. A week here will give you enough experiences to write the essay of a lifetime! Pouring love into the lives of kids who are ever so in need of it. Bringing some joy and fun into their summer…and helping us rewrite their futures.

Here’s what we did this summer…along with about 100 kids and teams from Next Level Church (Fort Myers FL) and Saratoga Abundant Life Church (Saratoga NY)

It looked like this!!!!



Not a “kid person”…don’t panic, we have other opportunities! Interested in more info? Great!!!!! Just click here and by the magic of hypertext you will go directly to a new page all about Teams!!!

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