Yep…school is out but we have a way to help the kids keep their little grey cells active!!!
It might look like fun and games (OK, it is fun and games) but all designed to teach a lesson.
Each year we choose a book from the kids’ school reading list, and using the book’s theme and characters, our team create activities involving maths, science, language, history, and science.
This year the kids learned about ecology, the life cycle of frogs, how to macrame, painting with marbles, and much, much more.
I could go on and on and on and on…but since a picture is worth a thousand words….enjoy our gallery of smiles!!!
- We measure success in smiles
- We measure success in smiles
- We measure success in smiles
- We measure success in smiles
- We measure success in smiles
- We measure success in smiles
- Everyone is welcome…
- Oil Spill fun
- Marble Art
- Marble Art
- Ribbit in progress
- Concentration and glue
- Concentration and glue
- Intent
- Caught in the act
- Creative Genius At Work
- Someone is up to Something
- The kids and the Team