One Mission Accomplished-New Mission Started!

hvalaOne Mission Accomplished

Our first ever Roma Kids Camp was an amazing success! Twenty-five boys and girls from two of Novi Sad’s poorest neighbourhoods had five days and four nights of games, activities, lessons, sleep deprivation, and love. For a group of kids who rarely have this kind of opportunity, it was a blast. Follow-up conversations with their parents tell us that the kids are still talking about how much fun they had at Camp. To all that made it possible (and it was truly a global effort), Thank You!!! Continue reading

Part of the Plan


Greetings from Paul and Mary.

Wow…it has been 5 months since we’ve relocated to Serbia.

What’s been happening? A virtual cornucopia of love, grace, big steps forward, some steps back, admin stuff, and a growing sense that it was the right thing to do. In no particular order it looks like this: Continue reading

Hand Me Down World


Any of us with older same-gender siblings know all about hand-me-downs. As the fifth child and third son in a family with twelve children, you can only imagine how every pair of pants, every shirt, and all the shoes were used until there was little life left.

But, what if your whole life is a someone else’s hand-me-down? If you’re next in line as the heir to a fortune… great. What if Continue reading

Don’t Stop Believing


This is Miljan showing off, no, proudly sharing his progress in learning English. Going to school keeps him from being more than another failure statistic, or begging on the streets, or living a hand-me-down life of poverty and ignorance. Check out the video…. Continue reading

Magical Connection


Maybe “magical” isn’t the right word, but you get the idea. Think of moments in your life when you’ve met someone special or visited somewhere new or experienced something that still resonates with you to this day.

Got one? Good. Such people, places, and events can create beautiful memories, some would argue they Continue reading