Small Month…Big News!!!

Just when we thought things couldn’t get any better – they did! But not without a few bumps along the road.

A bit of background. We have been using the community centers in the villages where we have been most active, Mali Beograd and Šangaj. We have always done our best to respect the facilities and the people who work there. But, somehow we upset one of the directors to the point he not only refuses to allow us to use the center, he is even blocking our calls.

We have tried to work things out, but with no response. In our last communication with this director we tried to find out what happened, we want to fix this, and we told him we really did not want to go over his head to find a resolution. His response was (loosly translated) “Go ahead. Make my day.”

Reluctantly we sought audience with the Novi Sad government. We were able to present our “case”, and very honestly explained we believed the problem was our fault. In our dealings with the community center director -perhaps something was lost in translation. Maybe it was a cultural faux pas. We explained how we didn’t want to win a fight – we just want to resolve the issue. All we want to do is work with the director so we can be a blessing in the village.

The meeting went well. The city administrator who oversees the community centers was there. He promised to look into it. Now, this was what we hoped would happen. If it all ended there, we would have been happy. Happier still if we can use the center. Ecstatic if the relationship with the center’s director was not damaged.

But, but, but – wait……there’s more!!!!!

One of the other administrators listening to us seemed to almost jump out of her chair when she heard Mary say Propel also wanted to start working in Veliki Rit (The BIg Pit). She could not wait until we were finished with a bit of a Q&A session to let us know she was the city’s point person for all their social programs involving Veliki Rit!!!

We have been looking for a connection, a foot in the door, someone to help us meet the powers that be in this new territory for us. Talk about an answer to prayer!!!

It seems as if once we decided to start helping kids in the Big Pit, new doors have been opening, new opportunities presenting themselves. is a bit scary, and we very much believe it is God’s hand in this.

Now what? Well, we do not want to walk into Veliki Rit empty-handed. We don’t want to tell people we will see what we can do. We do not want to deliver promises which they will soon forget. We want to bring them the goods. We want to be able to start 20 new cycles of generational success..NOW! What does this mean?

We need twenty new sponsors..NOW!!  Twenty fine folks willing to care enough to give. If this is you, the sooner you start, the more we can help.

Next steps? Click the link to start loving on a kid we have not yet met, but we know needs your help to have a better future.

The Students

(By all means, please feel free to share this far and wide.)

Thank you! Be blessed. Be a blessing.

Paul and Mary

We are running on faith, but we are not running alone.

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