March Update

Is it March Already???

Quick Update.

Mary will be finishing Round Three of her chemo on Friday 7 March. All tests, scans, and other indicators show the chemo is doing a great job at shrinking the growth. Next step will be to determine if the growth can be removed via surgery and/or radiation. Stay tuned.

I have to brag on my wife. Continue reading

February Update

Greetings all, both Mary and I hope all is well over in your part of the world.

For those of you just joining us , Mary has been diagnosed with soft-tissue sarcoma. The growth was too entangled for surgical removal, so she is undergoing chemotherapy. The plan is to shrink the growth to a more manageable size , thus allowing surgery to be possible.

She came through the first round like a trouper. Continue reading

Special Update

Greetings friends and supporters,

Some of you may have heard bits and pieces about Mary’s current health situation. We want to take this opportunity to get everyone up to speed.

Short version.
The Bad News….A few months ago Mary noticed a lump on the left side of her neck. After a battery of tests, blood work, CT scans, and finally a biopsy, the growth was identified as a type of soft-tissue sarcoma. It is a form of cancer. But, don’t panic… Continue reading

Step by Step

Marble Art

Does anyone know where the first four months of the year have gone? It is May already!!!! Which means the fun really begins for us!

It is this time of year where we crunch all the numbers and decide just how many students Propel can help. It was easy 8 years ago when there were just four kids. It wasn’t so bad 6 years ago when there were only 30-something. The 2024-2025 school year will see Continue reading

Happy Newish Year

Greetings from sunny (today) Novi Sad, Serbia. After the double Christmas/New Years Holiday craziness things have settled down a bit. Tho’ the weather cannot decide if it is Winter or Spring. We have had days where it would snow in the morning, be in the 50s in the afternoon, rain, then snow again that night. There are only 50 days until Spring arrives, not that we are counting.

So, what’s new over here? Continue reading

The Hedgerow Saga

I had promised to share this if we hit our $10,000.00 goal.
Wednesday 3 May was a beautiful day for a hike. CA and I started on the Oxford Canal and then took a few side-trips around some villages and across the gorgeous English countryside. As with any endeavour of this scope, even the best-laid plans sometimes go awry…or out-right wrong.

Continue reading