Don’t Stop Believing


This is Miljan showing off, no, proudly sharing his progress in learning English. Going to school keeps him from being more than another failure statistic, or begging on the streets, or living a hand-me-down life of poverty and ignorance. Check out the video….

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Being a Roma kid puts Miljan at an automatic disadvantage. Perception and prejudice stack the deck against him. His mom sees his potential, his grandparents see Miljan overcoming so many obstacles. We believe in him too.

Milan is fully sponsored for the 2016-2017 school year, but there are more candidates just as deserving. To rewrite a future, to provide the opportunity to rise above circumstance, takes about $500 (US) for books, clothes, registration and test fees, etc.  A monthly sponsor of $40.00, or two co-sponsors of $20.00, can make it all happen. The next step is simple…


Thank you.

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