Special Update

Greetings friends and supporters,

Some of you may have heard bits and pieces about Mary’s current health situation. We want to take this opportunity to get everyone up to speed.

Short version.
The Bad News….A few months ago Mary noticed a lump on the left side of her neck. After a battery of tests, blood work, CT scans, and finally a biopsy, the growth was identified as a type of soft-tissue sarcoma. It is a form of cancer. But, don’t panic… Continue reading

Happy Anniversary!!!!!

It all started as what had become a fairly routine morning in our lives- get up early, hop the train to Manchester Int’l Airport, and board a Lufthansa flight bound for Serbia.

How many times had we done this over the past few years…a dozen times or so? We knew the drill. Manchester to Frankfurt, or Munich, or Vienna, and then on to Belgrade. But this time was very, very different.
Continue reading

March Gladness!!!!

Greetings from Serbia!

Yep…we are bucking the trend. Going against the flow. Looking beyond the facts…like these:

          Serbia is under a State of Emergency

          We are under a curfew from 5 PM until 5 AM

          Those 65 or older are only allowed outside on Sunday mornings when they can go to the grocery stores (Funny side note: Continue reading


Elvira: Why would we sponsor a university student? How did she turn the taunts and jeers of her friends into her Fight Song?

Growing up in most Roma communities is a strike against any kid. Oh, you’re a girl”? Strike two. Strike three could be a choice of any number of factors; parental apathy, lack of funds, death of your father. Take your pick. Continue reading

Part of the Plan


Greetings from Paul and Mary.

Wow…it has been 5 months since we’ve relocated to Serbia.

What’s been happening? A virtual cornucopia of love, grace, big steps forward, some steps back, admin stuff, and a growing sense that it was the right thing to do. In no particular order it looks like this: Continue reading