Ordinary Love


Ordinary has gotten a bad rap. Sure it means; the usual, the expected. In today’s language calling something ordinary is almost derogatory. In this day and age of over-used, misused, and over-hyped adjectives, ordinary is considered just plain dull. Ordinary isn’t shared. Ordinary doesn’t get “likes”. Who retweets ordinary?

Your car starts, ordinary. You wake up in the morning, ordinary. You get paid for your work, ordinary. You eat, ordinary. You breathe, ordinary. There seems to be some very important ordinary out there.

What about ordinary love? The two words seem to be at odds. Ordinary is flat line, love is exciting. Ordinary is mundane, love is life. Ordinary love is almost an oxymoron.

What if  we started showing ordinary love? What if love was “the expected”? What if love was “the norm”? Helping strangers, ordinary. Being polite, ordinary. Volunteering, ordinary. Random acts of kindness, ordinary. Respecting others, ordinary. Caring, ordinary.

Think about it. This could start a revolution. This could start a chain reaction with incalculable results. So radical an idea could, dare I say, take over the world. Too big a leap? OK.

Start being ordinary with your family, neighbours, or co-workers. See how that changes things, and then grow from there.

Need more of a challenge? Great! Bring your ordinary to places like Serbia or Nicaragua. Be part of a short-term team.

Bring your super powers. Bring your heart. Bring your love. Bring some of your ordinary friends with you.

To quote U2…”We can’t reach any higher if we can’t deal with ordinary love.”

Let’s start reaching… higher.

Here’s more about bringing a team to Serbia

Here’s more about bringing a team to Nicaragua

The invitation has been offered, the door is open. When will we be seeing you?

Paul and Mary

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