Is it March Already???
Quick Update.
Mary will be finishing Round Three of her chemo on Friday 7 March. All tests, scans, and other indicators show the chemo is doing a great job at shrinking the growth. Next step will be to determine if the growth can be removed via surgery and/or radiation. Stay tuned.
I have to brag on my wife. I visited her yesterday, and she is taking this so well. She looked happy. She looked beautiful. I have said it before and I will say it again…beneath the Nana exterior and all that knitting stuff is a warrior princess.
In the midst of our personal journey, life in Serbia has gotten interesting. Political unrest (peaceful thus far) has been growing. Protests and marches are very common, and it is not unusual to have a major intersection in town blocked by protesters.
University students seemed to have taken the first steps, then their teachers, and then high school teachers and students. Many high schools have suspended all classes, some are open but offering shortened classes. As Propel, we are trying to find out how this will affect the kids who were on target to graduate this year.
I had a conversation with one of our neighbours just yesterday. He is a high school teacher. His school is open, with shorten classes. He has no idea as to how long this will go on. Nor does the school administration know how it will affect grades, graduations, etc, for the students.
We are saddened, especially for this years’ high school seniors. Right now their educational future is a huge question mark. Propel is poised and ready to help the kids for the coming school year, whatever it looks like.
In the midst of all the craziness, personal and political, Maja has been a Godsend! She has been taking care of getting kids grades, paying for field trips, meeting with kids to get new glasses, and more. We’d be lost without her.
We also have two teams coming this summer. One from the UK and one from Florida. This is a first visit for the UK team. They will be helping us with one of our summer education camps. The Florida team will be bringing their super powers to bless kids at the Nexus Church’s VBS.
That’s it for now.
Thank you for all the love, support, and prayers.
Paul and Xena…I mean Mary
We are running on faith, but we are not running alone.