Because of YOU!!!!

Was it really 15 July 2009 when we stepped off a plane in Birmingham England to start this crazy journey?
Were we totally unaware of what the future held?
Were we in for some surprises, heartbreaks, and challenges?
Are we glad we did it?
The response to all four questions is a resounding, deeply heartfelt, and unequivocal…. YES!!!!

What started as a 3-year commitment to Next Level International (NLI) soon became seven years, with two UK addresses. What was two pre-agreed-to positions at NLI became two totally different roles which not only stretched us, these new responsibilities groomed us for what we didn’t know was coming next.

With all the ups and downs, twists and turns, changes and rearranges, missteps, lucky breaks, accidental advances, disappointments, celebrations, set backs, battles, victories, loneliness, tears, frustrations, highs and lows, and everything else in between – we would do it all again.

We met leaders and teachers from all over Europe. We were able to travel and visit countries hitherto only known to us as names on a map. We made connections locally and across the continent. Best of all – we made friends!

It is sooooooooooo cool to know we have friends all over Europe. It is because of some of those friends we are where we are today. It is clear God used some great people to help us as we moved from volunteering at NLI to starting Propel and moving to Serbia.

Serbia? Yep…it seems odd to us, too. Did we ever think we’d live in Serbia? Did we ever think we’d be bus-riding, apartment-living, city dwellers? Did we ever think we could manage living without a car? Did we ever think our lives would be devoted to helping hundreds of underprivileged kids? Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.

But, here we are. It has been over eight years. (In Serbian eight is “osom”, which sounds just like awesome) We knew God wanted us here. We knew we were to work with the Roma (gypsy) and other kids living in poverty and despair. We knew we wanted to help without just making their poverty more comfortable. Oh, how far we have come.

Propel has grown from helping 4 kids (one of whom graduates from high school in 2026 and then has plans for med school) to just shy of 200 for the 2024-2025 school year!! Great, right? Amazing! Fantastic!!!! But, we know it is not all about us.

None of this 15-year trek would have been possible without the love, sacrifice, friendship, and prayers of an amazing international support base. People who are willing to make certain we have the wherewithal to live here. People who stepped up to the plate and said “we’ll sponsor a kid or two or ten. (yes we have folks who sponsor 10 kids) People who come over as part of a team, willing to pour into the lives of the kids. Singles, couples, families, businesses, churches…all together have made it all possible.

So, how are we celebrating this milestone?

By thanking everyone who has made it possible! It is all about the incredible donors of all sizes and shapes who care enough to give. Who say “we love you” in so many beautiful ways. These 15 years, all the lives touched, dreams kindled and dreams realised….are because of you!

We appreciate you. We applaud you. We love you!!!

Now…on towards the next 15 years and whatever they bring.
Paul and Mary

We are running on faith, but we are not running alone.

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